Lukas-grey-shirt1Lukas Tobler is
a certified Coach,
Foundational & Reconnection-Certified Practitioner & Mentor and Instructor

“When I heard an interview with Dr. Eric Pearl in the beginning of 2009, I was both shocked and fascinated. A part of me was very resistant to the way this chiropractor and healer shattered numerous paradigms. On the other hand, I was aware that he was right on. It was time to face the truth…


During my physical therapy training, I spent more and more time studying alternative healing, spirituality, quantum physics and modern psychology. The limits of classical therapy soon became evident and encouraged me to start working holistically long before ending my training.


After attending the Reconnection Seminar in summer 2009, I was asked to join the Reconnection Teaching Team. I gladly accepted the offer. Now, I teach the Level 1/2 trainings together with Eric as well as Reconnection-Certified Practitioner Programs (formerly known as Level 3).


The Reconnection in the same year brought about many personal changes and my life took a completely different direction. In 2013, I left my home country, Switzerland, and moved to Ludwigsburg (Stuttgart), Germany. The Reconnection confirms my personal experience: healing is remembering who we really are and taking bold steps toward expressing our full potential.


This belief hasn’t always been a part of me. I dedicated my adolescence and early adulthood to professional kayaking. It was a time of many ups and downs and an opportunity to gain a profound practical insight into the realm of mental training, which ignited my ongoing fascination for metaphysics and the power of ours minds.


After my professional sports career, everything turned out completely differently than expected. Suddenly, I found myself struggling with panic attacks day and night, which physically manifested as breathing difficulties, muscular tension and even numbness of various parts of the body.
Despite the feeling of being imprisoned in my own body, I refused to take any prescription drugs and instead spent more time understanding the functioning of my mind.


All of a sudden, I realized that I was literally suppressing my fears rather than accepting them. I recognized that I wasn’t a victim (of my fears), but that I was in full control


Accepting my fears along with the realization that any illness and problem is merely another stepping stone for my personal growth resulted in my healing. Today I know that all feelings – including fears – can be let go of easily.”


Reconnection Ludwigsburg

Alma-white-dress1Alma Beaumont is Foundational &
Reconnection-Certified Practitioner, Mentor & Teaching Assistant.

“When a girlfriend showed me “The Living Matrix” I was very touched by the healing of the little boy. In the days that followed, I searched for more information about The Reconnection and soon felt a strong desire to come in contact with this work. Emotionally, I was at my lowest point. My life was a total chaos that I couldn’t get out of.

I made up my mind to attend the seminar in Salzburg, which was an amazing experience that turned my life upside down. What’s more, I wanted to share this important work with other people.


My background is helping people as an independent financial adviser to save taxes and gain financial security for themselves and their families.


My work helped me realize that true abundance, security and health are always the result of inner harmony, love and balance.


The Reconnection helped me to re-discover my own balance, inner peace and ultimately myself.


As a Practitioner, I have been blessed to witness how many people have experienced profound changes. This inspired me to continue my training to become a mentor and teaching assistant. Today, I assist at Dr. Eric Pearl´s worldwide seminars.


My biggest milestone was the birth of my two children, Samsara and Kimon. Everything else is a blessing. This includes my work with the Reconnective Healing frequencies.


My own experience showed me that it´s possible to let go of your past and be happy in the here and now. Now I help others do the same.”


The Reconnection

With Eric Pearl in Ludwigsburg


